Friday, April 3, 2009

I have returned at last. I have been waiting and waiting for some news about a job, and for whatever reason, it seemed to make sense to me that by 'not blogging' it wouldn't seem like I had as long to if I could change the increments of time by ignoring 'day to day...' choosing 'lump sums' of time instead. Hmm, well to be very honest- it hasn't worked that well:) I am stilllll waiting, but in the mood to write, and since I SHOULD find out on Monday, my irrational self has deemed that its within the timeframe of returning 'day to day.'

It is pouring rain outside, as I gaze through the window from Starbucks. I'm thankful for several things: 1) that I'm not outside 2) that I found an open chair and 3) that I had some good outside time before the rain.

My current lifestyle does not require me to arise from slumber until well into the morning. Today, however, was a rarity. A friend of mine recently got into Wagner, and is visiting for Admitted Students Day (more on this to come). Having taken the Red-Eye from Phoenix last night, he was due to arrive at 6am this morning. (Note to all travelers- he flew Jet Blue, and not only had his OWN tv, an 'overnight pack,' and my personal favorite...air-conditioning!!! ---I recently took a very HOT flight on US Airway.) Anyway, his plane was late, creating the perfect opportunity for a pre-rain run. I LOVE New York in the morning (maybe because its a treat since I tend to sleep in....). I took myself to my favorite place in the city this morning- midway through the run, after a long straight path, you make a slight turn to the right and POOF!!! the Statue of Liberty is smiling back at you. I never get tired of it. Anyway, I made it back home after a brief run in with an angry woman and an angrier dog just in time for Andrew to call. Long story short, I prolonged my fun just a little so that I could go fetch him;) To his credit, he did an AMAZING job maneuvering the subway from the airport on a day when New Yorkers were prepared for rain...

Alas, after quickly (and I mean record time) cleaning up, we boarded the shuttle and headed to 'admit day.' We were very blessed to make the shuttle, though I should have known it would be running late. Whenever it rains, or even LOOKS like it might rain, the city gets terribly anxious and things slow down. I swear that people have their umbrellas up well before the first drops fall---just in case! Don't even get me started about snow... Anyway, the shuttle was late, which allowed us to catch it. I am currently serving as a 'Student Ambassador,' in which I serve as guru- for all things Wagner to 13 newly admitted students. This is slightly amusing to me becuase I don't entirely identify with all that it espouses. (I dont always recycle, I beleive in Jesus, and I can't speak from experience when it comes to the 'tag-lines' on their t-shirts.) Anyway, I DO like advising, and Im happy to share my personal experiences. I have made Wagner fit me without sacrificing who I am. I tried to explain this to a sweet girl from a little Catholic school (student body size 2000) in rural Texas, choosing between here and Boston College, but I didn't want to make her cry so I stopped and re-affirmed her that 'yes, you will be completely prepared having known someone who went to NYU several years ago...' I beleive challenge is a great way to affirm what you think you know. I hope she does too.

That was a long detour as means of saying that I am really happy today is Admitted Students Day, and that I am a part of it because it promises to be a day of above average free snacks and wine. Im especially excited for the 'reception' tonight at 5:30.

The question then becomes, "If you are at Admitted Students Day, how on earth are you crafting this story at the SAME TIME!??" and the answer is that... I have hired a personal assistant to dictate my thoughts. That's not true- actually I don't even know if I'd like if it WERE true. This being said, I did my initial 'meet and greet' and that's all that is required until the reception this eve. This has allowed me to enjoy a WONDERFUL time at Starbucks, and battle a particularly tricky homework assignment. I found myself in a terrible mood yesterday, as it was the first time I hadn't been able to finish my work during class. This meant I'd actually have to take it home and do it! (Financial Management...) It's not due until next Thursday, I found it radically perturbing that it would require more attention than its allotted 3 hours. In any case, it's done now and I feel GREAT:) In retrospect, it was nice to be frustrated for the sake of the immense satisfaction I feel having figured it out.

That brings me to right now....I must depart for it is time to babysit. Have a wonderful day!

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